Bed Ironer - Monoturn
The product range is designed to maximise quality and performance, producing excellent ironing results for all linen types. China Laundry Products' needle felt range with its high steam permeability and virgin fibres, which help to increase resistance to hydrolysis and will suit all types of calenders. The same level of quality applies to our entire range.
We offer woven and non-woven feed belts and woven antistatic folder belts which have a high resistance to abrasion-resulting in less time spent replacing broken belts.
Our extensive range of Polyester, Meta-Aramid/Polyester and 100% Meta-Aramid guide tapes cater for any need. Belts can also be supplied ready made with clippers and pins fitted.
A: Felt
B: Feed/Fold Belts
C: Springing
D: Guiding Tape
China Laundry Products Ltd, Building No2, No. 6666 East Yinggang Road,
Qingpu District, Shanghai 201703
- +86 21 5922 7020